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Posted by Jennifer (the student) on February 5, 2012

Last week, I had a hard time keeping up with my schedule. I did something that aggravated my tennis elbow and it wasn’t playing tennis. Lifting something heavy I think started it. After being achy all week it is starting to feel better. This week, I am planning to add a few exercises for my wrist and forearm, hopefully increasing my strength.

2/05/12            Walk/Hike 6 miles √

2/06/12            Yoga 1-hr class, Weight Training 30 min 

2/07/12            PiYo 1-hr class, Cross-trainer 40 min √

2/08/12            Off √

2/09/12            Yoga 1-hr class, Cross-Trainer 40 min √

2/10/12            Cross-Trainer 40 min, Weight Train 30 min √

2/11/12            Tennis 1 ½ hour class X (rain)

 ♥ ♥

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