

 Posted  by Jennifer (the RD) on January 31, 2013 (reposted from 1/27/12 when we were a new blog)

Source: health.com via Jennifers on Pinterest


I am really fortunate that my mom had me involved in sports from an early age. Fitness has been a given in my life ever since. When I was a kid, I used to think that theonly good thing about being in sports was the social aspect. I loved hanging out with friends. I started swimming competitively when I was 10 years old and some of the friends I met way back then are still some of my very best friends! Although being involved in sports activities can be a great way to meet people and socialize, there are also many health benefits. Here are just a few:
 Aids in restful sleep
 Increases metabolism
 Improves body composition and bone density
 Decreases risk for cardiovascular function
 Improves self image
 Longer and higher quality of life
 Plus many more!

♥ ♥

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